Man with a baby on his shoulders

How to Improve Sperm Health: Practical Strategies and Lifestyle Changes for Ways to Boost Male Fertility

Men, like women, are not exempt from the complications of infertility, yet the contributing factors to their issues are often less explored and discussed. Recent research[1] highlighted an alarming review and meta-analysis suggesting a global decline in semen quality.

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including BPAs and phthalates ubiquitous in our daily household items from food storage to water bottles, have been highlighted as potential contributors to this decline. Yet, there’s another often overlooked factor: the lack of basic education. Many men remain uninformed about the influences on their sperm parameters, leading them to continue potentially harmful behaviours such as THC use, cycling, and frequenting saunas and hot tubs.

Hope is not lost, however, because the good news is that men constantly generate sperm. This means that men who find their sperm parameters lacking, do indeed have the potential to improve them, especially if the issues are lifestyle-related. Even physical issues like varicoceles are often treatable.

A few practical, evidence-based steps can help men enhance their fertility:

Adopt a healthier diet: A study published in the journal “Human Reproduction Update” advocates the benefits of a Mediterranean-style diet over processed foods, trans fats, and added sugars for improving sperm quality[2].

Minimize heat exposure: Activities such as cycling, using saunas, and spending time in other hot environments may negatively impact sperm health[3].

Avoid endocrine-disrupting chemicals: These substances, commonly found at home and in workplaces, can potentially interfere with male fertility[4].

Make lifestyle modifications: Regular exercise, moderate alcohol consumption, and quitting smoking have all been associated with improved fertility[5].

Get Acupuncture for Male Fertility: Acupuncture can help male fertility by improving sperm health: Its mechanism of action involves stimulating the nervous system, which can positively influence the reproductive system[6]. Notably, research has shown that acupuncture can significantly improve sperm motility, a critical factor in fertilization[7]. Additionally, it’s thought to enhance blood flow to the testes, promoting better sperm production[8]. Moreover, acupuncture’s well-documented stress-relieving properties may indirectly support sperm health by mitigating the fertility-hampering effects of chronic stress[9]. As part of a comprehensive fertility plan, acupuncture could be a valuable tool for men seeking to improve their fertility.

Unfortunately, due to men’s often passive relationship with the healthcare system, many miss out on this crucial guidance. But as awareness about male fertility issues increases, more men are seeking the help they need.

Irrespective of the severity of the decline in sperm parameters, it’s apparent that awareness, education, and proactive measures can play a pivotal role in managing male infertility. Men should not hesitate to seek guidance and implement necessary lifestyle changes to enhance their fertility. 

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[1]: Human Reproduction Update, Volume 29, Issue 2, March-April 2023, Pages 157–176,  Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of samples collected globally in the 20th and 21st centuries .

[2]: Salas-Huetos, A., Bulló, M., & Salas-Salvadó, J. (2017). Dietary patterns, foods and nutrients in male fertility parameters and fecundability: a systematic review of observational studies. Human Reproduction Update, 23(4), 371-389.

[3]: Jung, A., & Schuppe, H. C. (2007). Influence of genital heat stress on semen quality in humans. Andrologia, 39(6), 203-215.

[4]: Rochester, J. R. (2013). Bisphenol A and human health: A review of the literature. Reproductive Toxicology, 42, 132-155.

[5]: Ricci, E., Al Beitawi, S., Cipriani, S., Candiani, M., Chiaffarino, F., Viganò, P., … & Parazzini, F. (2017)

[6]: Zhao, Z. (2008). Neural mechanism underlying acupuncture analgesia. Progress in Neurobiology, 85(4), 355-375.

[7]: Pei, J., Strehler, E., Noss, U., Abt, M., Piomboni, P., Baccetti, B., & Sterzik, K. (2005). Quantitative evaluation of spermatozoa ultrastructure after acupuncture treatment for idiopathic male infertility. Fertility and Sterility, 84(1), 141-147.

[8]: Siterman, S., Eltes, F., Wolfson, V., Lederman, H., & Bartoov, B. (1997). Does acupuncture treatment affect sperm density in males with very low sperm count? A pilot study. Andrologia, 29(1), 31-39.

[9]: Balk, J., Catov, J., Horn, B., Gecsi, K., & Wakim, A. (2010). The relationship between perceived stress, acupuncture, and pregnancy rates among IVF patients: a pilot study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 16(3), 154-157.

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